

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Once again thank you for your presentation... I have had some really positive feedback so far from staff. Your key messages have certainly given them something to reflect upon.

    Vice Principal Darlington

 Tagged with self harm

06 February 2025

Detectives found a "suicide kit" in the family's Southampton home, containing various poisons, pills and other things Vlad had bought after joining the chat group.

"He's researched and understood, and been told where to buy these things and what to buy," says DS Chris Barrow from Hampshire Police. "So, without the website, Vlad wouldn't have been able to put together this set of items and ingredients with which to take his own life."

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17 January 2025

The teenager sentenced to six years in prison for crimes including encouraging suicide and possessing terrorist materials and indecent images of children was part of an international online network promoting neo-Nazi and satanist beliefs, who film and share acts of extreme violence.

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08 January 2025

'Let’s be real for a minute. When was the last time you asked a mate not just how they were doing but, you know, how they were really doing? You know what it’s like.

Your mate is struggling but you’re not quite sure what the right thing to do or say is. It can be tempting to brush it off and not ask in case things get awkward.'

Videos and resources for young adults on subject of self harm and suicide

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30 October 2024

Chatbot versions of the teenagers Molly Russell and Brianna Ghey have been found on - a platform which allows users to create digital versions of people.

Molly Russell took her life at the age of 14 after viewing suicide material online while Brianna Ghey, 16, was murdered by two teenagers in 2023.

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25 October 2024

A man from Northern Ireland has been given a life sentence with a minimum of 20 years in jail for the extreme online sexual abuse of children and the manslaughter of a 12-year-old girl, who was one of his victims.

Alexander McCartney from County Armagh admitted 185 charges - including more than 50 blackmail offences.

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