

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Having received feedback from both staff and pupils, I am delighted that they all enjoyed it very much, felt the content was excellent, and would like to see this repeated in the future if possible.

    Assistant Head Teacher Secondary School, Safer Internet Day 2011

 Tagged with google

08 December 2021

In a year that continued to test many, the world searched “how to heal” more than ever. Whether they’re taking care of mental health, honoring a loved one, or reuniting with family, people are finding ways to come back stronger than before.




11 March 2021

Google and Parent Zone's national assemblies are designed to bring school communities together across the UK – and remind children of the tips and tricks they need to be safer and more confident online.

Each assembly is a live virtual learning experience designed to consolidate messages from the Be Internet Legends programme. Not only will your pupils enjoy this engaging event – you can invite parents to watch from home too.

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28 August 2019

'A few days ago, I was baffled to see an obviously scammy event pop up in my Google calendar: I’d won $2,338 in some ‘annual competition.’

Here's how to prevent spam appearing in your Google calendar.

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