

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • It was good to learn more about the laws surrounding sexting and also some ideas for how to respond if someone is trying to pressure you to send them a nude picture (such as using funny pictures from childline zipit or sending them a photo of a naked molerat)

    6th form student buckinghamshire

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20 February 2022

What happened in a Rockville, Maryland, high school this January was a scene all too familiar for police officers across the US. An altercation between two boys ended with a shot ringing out, and a 15-year-old left bleeding on a bathroom floor.

What witnesses to the crime did next, however, shocked even Betsy Brantner Smith, a nearly three-decade law enforcement veteran and spokesperson for the National Police Association.

"The students started tweeting about it," she said. "That's just, unfortunately, the era we live in."

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18 February 2022

This is a tragedy and an interesting resource on the price and value of privacy.


'Over time, Justin's obsession with the girl became worrying. She learned that her hometown friends in Naples, Florida, were selling the man photos of her and other information, including her cellphone number.

Justin began calling and texting her, and even agreed to do one of her classmate's math homework in exchange for information about Ms Majury.'

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15 February 2022

A naked man, wearing just a dog collar and a lead, is led across the floor by a woman in a bondage outfit. Two strippers dance next to a bar.

A group has gathered around a couple openly having sex, watching and occasionally commenting.

One man is wearing a Nazi uniform.

This isn't happening in the real world, it's taking place on a children's gaming platform.

Roblox is a huge sprawling world of games which is sometimes described as a kind of primitive metaverse.

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There's a response from Roblox here

02 February 2022

Barnardo’s, the UK’s largest children’s charity, is to create a new digital service that will give professionals supporting children instant access to relevant knowledge and advice, to help them respond with confidence to the continuously evolving challenges young people face online.

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29 January 2022

Every new year sees new trends, risks, and threats to online safety emerge, especially for children and young people. This can seem overwhelming (and sometimes even frightening) if you feel like you’ve just got your head around the last new ‘thing’.

To help you stay ahead of the curve, iNEQE online safety experts have combined their analysis with concerns from parents, carers, teachers, and safeguarding professionals. Keep reading to learn more about the biggest online safety trends, risks, and threats for children and young people in 2022.

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