

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

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  • I found the session really informative and so important. I am so grateful this is available and will be passing the knowledge to everyone I know.

    Stalking Course Delegate Darlington

 Tagged with privacy

07 July 2014


A thought provoking article by Graham Brown-Martin - keynote speaker at upcoming

When viewed through the prism of "network capitalism" Facebook's recent acquisition of WhatsApp for $19bn looks like good value.

The consensus is that Facebook acquired the company because it was fearful of losing its grip on the youth market, who favoured mobile communications, to a system that apparently their parents didn't use. And, as a theory has it, with the world shifting to mobile internet it only makes sense for Facebook to demonstrate its chops in the mobile world. This might also account for why it acquired Instagram...


Read the full article here.

16 June 2014

A bleak dystopian view of life in the future when we really have The Internet of Things.

'I wake up at four to some old-timey dubstep spewing from my pillows. The lights are flashing. My alarm clock is blasting Skrillex or Deadmau5 or something, I don't know. I never listened to dubstep, and in fact the entire genre is on my banned list. You see, my house has a virus again.'

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12 May 2014

If you think your messages to your Facebook friends are private, think again. The social network announced that it has plans to look at your personal conversations as a way to make more profits from targeted advertising.


Read the article here.

06 May 2014

"The amount of money that Google and other commercial companies will pour into robotics and artificial intelligence could at last take it truly into the commercial world where we actually do have smart robots roaming our streets."

 Read more here

10 March 2014

For those who want to cut the cord with their internet identities, Who Is Hosting This has created a detailed guide that illustrates how you can completely disappear online. It starts with the simple stuff — like how to delete your Facebook accounts — and then gets more extreme. There are ways to falsify un-deletable accounts and even erase search results.


See the infographic here

10 March 2014

 'Google Street View is brilliant. It finds us when we're lost, it shows us where we are, it reveals places we'll never get to visit, and so on and so forth. But you know what's even more amazing? The crazy neural network that Street View is built on..'

Sinister or helpful?

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