

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with how to

19 August 2013

The e-Safety Policy is vitally important in school for a number of reasons, including:

To ensure there is a clear and consistent approach responding to incidents.

To ensure that every person responsible for the children is fully aware of his/her responsibilities.

To set boundaries of use (goalposts) of any school owned IT equipment, or personal IT equipment used in the school.

The following is a short "10 top tips" for creating your e-safety policy in school. There are many more, but these are some of the common ones that schools miss:

Read the full article here

30 July 2013
24 July 2013

'How you act online is important. Not just because everything is stored, backed up, and freely available to anyone with a keyboard. But because your online reputation is actually just your reputation. There's really no difference between online and offline anymore.

Microsoft has just unveiled a new (free) curriculum that's all about digital citizenship, intellectual property rights, and creative content. Read more here.


15 May 2013

'Welcome to the official guide to technology and learning by Edudemic! This part of Edudemic is meant to offer you, the teacher, some of the best and most popular resources available today. We've combed through hundreds of resources in order to narrow down our guides into something easy to read, easy to use, and easy to share.' You can access all the guides for teachers here.

14 May 2013

Managing one's digital identity is a skill and as teachers and educators, we need to be a role model for our students and show them how they can interact with the virtual world and what they should do to keep themselves safe.

The purpose of this guide is to help teachers cultivate a culture of digital responsibility in students online practices.