

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Parents/Carers News

27 August 2013

Dean Shareski writes; 'Whenever I hear the term "digital citizenship" I usually am skeptical. When we began using the term several years ago, it typically focused on keeping kids safe online. It was generally a scare tactic that told students that they should be wary of posting anything online because it's forever. The assumption was kids will post inappropriate stuff.

Recently the message has softened and most acknowledge kids are going to be posting online and so the message is about posting only the good stuff.'


Read the full post here.

16 August 2013

An interesting article on the emotional pressure of 'being connected.'

(Teens)'..dislike the increasing number of adults on the site, get annoyed when their Facebook friends share inane details, and are drained by the "drama" that they described as happening frequently on the site.

The stress of needing to manage their reputation on Facebook also contributes to the lack of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, the site is still where a large amount of socializing takes place, and teens feel they need to stay on Facebook in order to not miss out.' Read the full article here.