

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • I'm one of the y8 pupils and I just wanted to say thank you, your slides were really good and when I got home I deleted my other facebook account and made a new one with only REAL friends, I have started to focus on people I am Really friends with, that was the best E-safety speech I've heard 

 Tagged with social media

17 November 2014

'The dangers of Facebook to teens and young people is well documented. From online predators to cyber bullying, parties gone wrong to sextortion, it's had its fair share of bad press.

But it's not just Facebook where teens are hanging out. In fact, it isn't as popular as you might think.

Teens' interest in Facebook is fading and they're heading in droves to apps and social platforms where they can't bump into their dads, and can post photos without shocking Grandma.

If you want to protect your kids you need to know where they are. Here are 7 apps and websites you need to be aware of:'

30 September 2014

There are a number of reasons that educators use social media. Most often, we talk about its potential impact on student engagement and learning, educator professional growth and family communications. We speak less frequently about another important use: Marketing and public relations.

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24 September 2014

Before you post that video, meme, or selfie on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram, or Tumblr, and let's consider avoiding Snapchat completely), ask yourself whether it fits one or more of the criteria outlined below. Because nobody ever regretted not uploading something for the entire world to see, and you may well save yourself a load of grief down the line.

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