

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

The Games Rating Authority

The Games Rating Authority

The Games Rating Authority

The Games Rating Authority (GRA) is the games rating arm of the Video Standards Council and licences the release of video games rated PEGI 12, 16 and 18 in the UK. These ratings are mandatory and enforceable under UK law and cannot be sold or hired to persons below the respective age restrictions.



'Parents / Carers

At the Games Rating Authority we are committed to providing as much helpful information as we can about video game ratings. We can’t tell you how good, bad or indifferent a video game might be, but we will supply detailed content information (the amount and type of violence, bad language, sex, etc, in a game), so that you can be absolutely certain you are making the correct purchasing decision. Use the 'search for games' function above to find out more information about a particular game.

This section of the website is dedicated to consumers and assumes you have limited or no prior experience of playing video games – we’ll also try to be jargon and acronym-free!

If, after searching through the site, you still haven’t found the answer to your question, then get in touch with us directly. We’ll be happy to help.'


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