

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Useful things for young people aged 14 and over

30 January 2023

Childline resource.

There can be a lot of pressure to look a certain way and fit in with everyone else. Sometimes you can be hurt or affected by what others think and say.

You might be feeling unhappy about your hair, skin colour or your weight or embarrassed about wearing glasses or braces. It can be hard to accept how you look if you feel pressure to have "perfect" skin or a certain type of body shape

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19 January 2023

These pictures look just like any other group photo taken at any house party. You have the pursed lips, the toasting of paper cups, and the occasional shot of a subject snapping a selfie. The difference is that this is a night these people will never regret, because it’s a false memory and so are its participants.

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20 October 2022

Christina Aguilera has released a new video for her hit Beautiful, which highlights the impact of social media on young people's body image and mental health in the 20 years since the song was first released.



12 June 2022

iNEQE's safety guide.

Telegram is one of the many messaging apps available that may be more familiar due to bad press instead of good reviews. This online safety article unpacks how this app works, the controversies that surround it, the safety concerns and risks it poses to children and young people and our top tips on staying safe.

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