

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Thank you so very much for an absolutely fabulous session on Digital Citizenship. The feedback has been really positive and we are so appreciative of your time and expertise.

    Headteacher Tees Valley

 Tagged with gender

11 March 2014

Lyndsey Scott is a New York City model working for Prada, Gucci and Victoria's Secret. She's also an iOS programmer with two apps she created available in the Apple store.

The self-described "geek model" started programming in middle school and does not see any contradiction between her careers in fashion and the tech world.


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02 September 2013

Attitudes around, gender, stereotyping and double standards on social media are complex and hard to change. This powerful video by a 13 year old girl is articulate, engaging and poses a great many questions that could be useful in supporting our own young people.