

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Useful things for young people aged 14 and over

31 July 2023

Online harassment in sport is a form of abuse that targets an individual (or a group of players). This content can often be used to mock an athlete’s skills or abilities but can also target their personal and private lives, including their families and friends.

Types of harassment can include discrimination, bullying, sexism, racism, hurtful language, sexual harassment, trolling, rumour spreading and threats.

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06 March 2023

If you have a gamer in your household, chances are you’ve heard the word ‘Twitch’ being used. The name sounds fun, age-appropriate, and harmless. It would be easy to assume it is a type of game or a new slang word.

In reality, Twitch is a far more complicated platform that can expose children and young people to age-inappropriate content in a hard-to-control environment.

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20 February 2023

In a blog post, Twitter said that it will only allow accounts that subscribe to its premium Twitter Blue feature to use text message-based 2FA. Twitter users that don’t switch to a different type of two-factor authentication will have the feature removed from their accounts by March 20.

That means that anyone who relies on Twitter sending a text message code to their phone to log in will have their 2FA switched off, allowing anyone to access their accounts with just a password. If you have an easily guessable Twitter password or use that same password on another site or service, you should take action sooner rather than later.

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